Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sight Short

I had previously seen this video before and I think the creativity is incredible. To think that we are close to developing something like this is intriguing to me. With augmented reality glasses coming to the market the thought of contacts with augmented reality is crazy to think about as a possibility. It will be interesting to see if we will learn more about the human mind and find a way to link human brain waves to technology and use our minds as the controller of digital data coming into our view. The more I see technology like this the more excited I get to enter the job market with hopes of working for a company developing revolutionary products.

Final Video Art Piece

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Massive Attack

This group has some very cool instrumentals and beats beautifully put together. I really like the flow and tone this music sets. I listened to their first album Blue Lines a little bit and that  was all I needed. The group has a big influence in that they express opinions on the war and other political issues. Below is the video for their album Heligoland which I explored. It really got my attention from the album artwork.

UK Underground and the Smiths

At the head of the UK underground in the 1980's was the Smiths. It is so strange that we covered the Smiths in this class because I actually had a friend over winter break tell me about them and about how influential they are to the type of music that is being released today. Since then I have listened to a lot of their songs and I think they are a very interesting and talented group. They are a rock band who are known to be rebellious and radical. They sing about the struggles that come along in life and express strong opinion about the world. This type of music greatly influences the punk rock and hardcore music that I listen today. The Smiths have brilliant song writing ability and I am glad they have been brought into my view. They are a fairly popular band I am surprised I had not heard of them before this year.

TR 808 Examples

Charanjit Singh — “Raga Bhairav”
Talking Heads- Psycho Killer

3 video art examples

I viewed a very cool video called Pixels on Vimeo where blocks begin falling from the sky and connecting to buildings like Tetris and eventually the entire real life area becomes transformed by the blocks.

The next video art video that I watches really reminded me of the flipbook animations that we made at the beginning of the semester so I had to share it. It was a video called videogioco on vimeo, the link is posted below. It is a cartoon that is generated from a person flipping numerous pieces of paper with drawings to create an animation.

The third video art project that I viewed was Drums, I have seen things like this in the past but I find it very fascinating how they can take virtually created drum sets and have them produce real sounds and songs based upon the generated video. This video had a really cool sound to it.

3 Video Mapping Examples

This video mapping projection was very cool to me, especially considering how much I like Audi as an automobile manufacturer.
This projection is UNBELIEVABLE. Very trippy.
Transforming entire buildings via 3D video mapping, becoming common now a days I suppose.....

Sheryl Oring

Sheryl Oring is one of my favorite artists that we have explored this class so far. She goes to a location and sets up a booth where people can express their opinions on the way that the country is being run by the President and after she gets peoples opinions via typewriter she mails the letters to the White house for reading by the President. She has a website where you can view the entries that have been sent over to the White house via electronic media copy. These opinions are not always just thoughtless uneducated responses but a lot of the time they express legitimate concern over the countries operations that people wish to get across. For every entry you can feel the character and  humanity going in. 

Propaganda vs Commericial

Propaganda and Commercials are very different in context.  Propaganda is a marketing tool that is typically implemented to start movements or radical behavior from the general public. Commercials are used to market either products or services to people usually without any political reference. Distinguishing between propaganda and commercials is sometimes tough but you can usually determine whether something is propaganda or not by seeing its effect on peoples views and behaviors.  Commercials are used to make revenues from products and services while propaganda's main mission is to get supporters to back an idea. Commercials have gotten very frustrating over the years which is switching people over to viewing methods such as Netlfix or DVR.

Video Game Revolution

Video games have really developed immensely over the last few decades. They provide users with a reality that is far from what is realistic in their daily life. With newer games things are becoming so realistic that it is almost an escape for most users. In the 1980's a lot of the top video game manufacturers like Nintendo and Sony began releasing consoles and some of their most successful games into the market. These early games might have been simple and the graphics may have been poor but the user experience was very enjoyable. I still play video games such as Super Smash Bros, Mario Cart, and Mario Party regularly because they are entertaining games that Nintendo built off of. The video game market is one that will learn from its past and has a very promising future. It was cool to watch this video about the revolution of video gaming and all of the success it has brought to companies. I am extremely satisfied to see how Microsoft jumped into the video game market and is doing so well. It shows me a lot of promise as far as Microsoft jumping into multiple technology markets. In the future we will see a lot of augmented reality gaming from current front runner video companies such as Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo but watch out for Oculus VR which was purchased by Facebook this year.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Triumph of the Nerds

Triumph of the Nerds was an extremely well made documentary about the history of computers. It was the best technology documentary I have ever seen with interviews with all the top CEO's of companies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and Apple. Being an MIS major I am surprised that I had never seen this documentary previously, it brought a lot of value to me. It was cool to see the competitive strategies of Apple vs. Microsoft that took place in the 80's and 90's. It made me again realize that Steve Wozniak was the true brains behind Apple, he was the king of computer hardware while Steve Jobs was the visionary and marketer. The first Revenge of the Nerds segment went over the early computing and software developing days with the Altair, Apple 2, and "homebrew computer meetings". IBM was in a ton of danger when Apple released their first personal computer and they went to Microsoft to develop an operating system and software for their own personal computer in a one year gap of time. When Microsoft did this they took over the market and put Apple on the burner to compete in the market where Microsoft was now the front runner. In 1995 Microsoft released their first GUI in Windows 95 and offered significantly more software than Apple. Around that time Steve Jobs left Apple and this left Apple with no other choice but to release commercials against Microsoft. It is amazing to me that Apple is still around as a company today with all of the failures that they have had in the past. When it comes to computers Microsoft still has the edge in my opinion, Apple still can't get their ridiculous prices down. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had a lot of respect for each other but you can tell Steve wasn't a fan of Microsoft's "tasteless design". I took a lot from this video and I find it crazy how Oracles CEO had the concept of cloud computing envisioned so long ago.