Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Steve Jobs Stanford Address

Although I am a huge supporter of Microsoft and Bill Gates, I believe that Steve Jobs did a wonderful job with this speech. He has always been a guy who is good at selling his ideas and having great visions in his product design. A lot of the great minds out there will drop out of college and the fact that he dropped out of Stanford without graduating and came back to deliver such a powerful speech shows a lot. Even though I am a Macintosh “hater” doesn’t mean that I can’t show some respect for the legacy he left behind. Bill Gates was a guy who wanted to create a computer that EVERYONE could use and be able to afford. Steve Jobs created products that showed so much style and character that their price tags can ALMOST be justified. I was a little disappointed in Steve dropping the ball on Microsoft in this speech saying that Microsoft copied everything from them. I think Steve was being a little hypocritical in the fact that I have heard him use the Picasso phrase, “good artists steal” many times. Nevertheless people will always remember Steve for his aggressive, persuasive, and creative way of getting his messages across.

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